Despite the seemingly unending rains, the 22 latest PNS scholars, with their parents and guardians, attended their orientation last June 29 at PHINMA Plaza. They were welcomed by the whole PFI team who also conducted the orientation. After discussing the entire program and what it means to be a part of the PHINMA family with them, both parents and scholars signed and pledged commitment to the program.

In the afternoon of the same day, Atty. Chel Diokno, known among the youth as the “Woke Lolo”, talked about integrity, leadership, and patriotism during the PNS General Assembly. The former senatorial candidate, who came to the event without any escort nor driver, encouraged his young audience to not take the examples they see from the older generation today. He said that young adults take up the largest portion of our entire population today; hence, should realize the great power they have in their hands to help make life better for their fellow Filipinos.

Also, there to grace the assembly was Mr. Roberto M. Laviña, the President of PFI. With him listening to Atty. Diokno were 68 scholars, 20 parents, 20 PNS alumni, and other guests.